Saturday, October 10, 2009

What are some good skin lightening soaps, or lotion i can get in stores?

What are some good skin lightening soaps, or lotions i can get in stores? Im trying to get my natural skin tone back, and get rid of my tanning. So what are some good products (lotion, or soap) that lighten your skin, or remove tans. In addition, are there any natural remidies that lighten your skin, and remive tans? Thank you in addition to all your awnsers. (THE PRODUSTS SHOULD BE AVALIABE IN STORES AT CALIFORNIA) im looking for something $0-$30, and wont harm your skin (i have oily skin). Please help. Thankyou for taking time to awnser my ?'s. You Rock!!
What are some good skin lightening soaps, or lotion i can get in stores?
I too have skin that can get a dark tan easily, there were times before when I needed to lighten up my skin. Try going to a Filipino store and purchase a soap that is called Likas Papaya Herbal Soap or Block %26amp; White Papaya Soap. Theres this other soap I really like but I don't know if they have it its called Godiva Licorice Transparent Whitening Soap. Showering and bathing more than once a day is must and use a washcloth. Keep yourself hydrated (drink water, juices that are natural high in vitamin C such as mango juice, pineapple juice) Use lotion/sunscreen.
What are some good skin lightening soaps, or lotion i can get in stores?
Try going to some Filipino supermarket like Family Loompia or Seafood City and go to the counter with all the lottery tickets and stuff. There should be a variety of whitening soaps and lotions. I suggest using Block%26amp; White. It really works, but it works even better if you buy the lotion, too.

If you do plan on using whitening soaps or lotions, you shouldn't go out very much because it can make you even darker faster. You'll probably get your natural skin tone back in two- three weeks.

If you don't have any Filipino stores where you live, you should talk to your dermatologist. It may cost more but it will work faster than Block%26amp; White.

I hope this helps. :]
Reply:there's a good source of skin lightening soaps from an asian seller that's really safe AND potent.. i've used their products to maintain my original fair skin color to date.. among several skin lighteners i've tried, homemade and branded, only this one got my vote until now -
Reply:Hello you can get it here online stores. Try the kojic acid soap or black whitening soap and whitening lotion and whitening cream. The skin whitening set of 3 only $26.99 and thats the lowest price but the best diana stalder skin whitening as Dr vicki Belo sell the same product...You can check the customers testimonials and they have varity of skin whitening products...

check this out. Before you buy please check the price...Get the affordable one and ps dont waste your money on buying more than$30...


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