I've been using Likas soap skin whitening and it made my skin light after a couple weeks, and then even lighter so i stopped using it and my skin wont go back to its old shade.
have you ever used likas? how long does it take to back to normal?
Skin whitening catastrophe!!?
talk to a dermatologist.........
Skin whitening catastrophe!!?
Don't know.
But thats what you get when you mess with your natural color.
Reply:i've never even herd of skin lightening soap, but i would assume that if you use tanning oil and lay out in the sun or go to a tanning salon, you will get darker, it may not be your origional shade, but you won't be pale anymore
Reply:You have bleached your skin. It will grow back in 6-9 months.
Reply:dont worry it will go back in its normal color..... how morena are you? or how tan are you? or how white are you?..... that would be my question for you before i can answer everything....
but actually it will go back in its natural or normal color in a past few days.... dont worry about it..... and why did you try it? to make you more white complexion.... next time.... try to ask you dermatologist about the things that your gonna be using... they knows best.... or try to use cool white gel...... believe me it works..... my dermatologist gave me that.... hope i help you.... God bless...
Reply:Why did you want your skin lighter? Just curious... I imagine it will take atleast a few weeks for the lightened skin to naturally flake off and reveal your natural tone. Have you tried a loofa?
Reply:Very interesting question.
I tried to find an ingredient list for this soap on the web and I could not. Even if I had, I don't know how good Filipino companies are at listing the ingredients faithfully.
What I find strange is that the soap worked so fast, when the usual time for skin lightening actives to work is one to two months.
I sincerely hope that your skin will go back to normal as it renews itself, but this is not a given. If melanocytes are killed, they will not be there to make melanin. When this happens, there is not much a dermatologist can do.
In the future, please be careful with your skin. With average life span increasing every year, you will need that skin for many more decades. You can use a skin lightening cream but make sure you know what is in it. Below is a guidr I wrote on skin lightening.
Good luck and best wishes
Skin lighteners, skin whiteners and skin brighteners are different names given to a type of product that decreases skin pigmentation. Skin color is mainly determined by the amount and type of the melanin in the skin.
There are two kinds of people looking for skin lighteners: those who have irregular pigmentation, resulting from age spots and/or melasma, and those who are not content with the color of their skin (too yellow, too dark).
The short story:
There are several mechanisms by which a substance can help to lighten the skin color but most of them work by suppressing melanin synthesis Some chemicals are very effective but can be irritating or are known to have undesirable side effects. For example, strong chemicals may end up bleaching the skin permanently and irregularly, or increasing pigmentation in spots, both permanent unwanted effects. So it is very important to prevent these bad results. The best way is to avoid using strong chemicals like hydroquinone, especially in types of skin known to react badly, like African American and dark Latino skin.
Because melanin synthesis increases as a response to stress of several kinds, like UV and oxidants, avoid the sun and use sunblock. You should also know that skin lighteners will not destroy existing melanin, so you will have to wait until your skin renews itself to be able to see the lighter skin.
There are a number of excellent natural and synthetic chemicals that can help. If you have isolated hyperpigmented spots, use the skin lightener only on those areas. The same if you have melasma, a type of skin hyperpigmentation caused by hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy or the use of "the pill".
Some excellent actives are
Azeloyl glycine (will also accelerate skin renewal), kojic acid dipalmitate (an easy to use and stable version of kojic acid), arbutin (the active chemical in bearberry extract), licorice root extract, gamma aminobutyric acid, melatonin, glutathione and magnesium ascorbyl phosphate. By using several of these actives, your chances of success increase, because melanin content of your skin will decrease through inhibition of several steps rather than just one.
UPDATE: the combination of N-acetyl glucosamine and niacinamide, besides increasing synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid, also decreases hyperpigmentation, age spots and uneven melanin distribution.
If you want to make your life easier, get Skin Actives Scientific "skin lightening cream", which contains liquorice, glutathione, arbutin, melatonin, MAP and kojic acid dipalmitate, and more.
Remember the following rules:
Rule number 1: be patient, do not expect fast results, because only the new skin will be lighter.
Rule number 2: do not expect to look like Michael Jackson. His skin is sick, having lost its natural melanocytes. He probably had vitiligo, an immune disease in which the body kills its melanocytes, leading to white spots, and his doctors probably killed the rest to lead to an homogeneous white skin that lacks melanin, a sort of artificial albinism.
Questions and answers
Q: Hi, I read your guide on peels and I had a question. I did a TCA peel and I have a brown spot now (it has been 3 months since the peel) where the peel was preformed. Is there a way to get rid of it?
A: If you had the TCA done by a dermatologist or esthetician, go and see the practitioner. TCA is dangerous and I am surprised that it is sold on Ebay like if it were nothing.
Hyperpigmentation as a response to stress (in this case a chemical burn) is more common in dark skin. Try to avoid the sun and use on that patch the skin ligthening kit we sell.
Reply:idk get a tan or used cover up
Reply:that's what happened to me, i use this hair bleaching cream on my upper lip so that the hair doesn't show, and i left it on too long and it bleached the skin too! i was horified, but it's been a few weeks and i've gotten a tan and you can't tell it was even there. SO, the moral of the story is, it will fade, but it'll be a while.
Reply:why did u want ur skin to be lighter in the first place?
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