Saturday, October 10, 2009

Skin rash on my 6th month old...?

My daughter has patches of rough skin on different areas of her body. Some are red, some are skin toned. They don't seem to bother her, and they go away a few days after i notice them. Her pediatrician said it was ring worm, and gave me a cream for it, but it doesn't do anything. It doesn't make sense to be ring worm. She's had them since she was born. And ring worm doesn't go away on it's own...Some of the spots are about dime sized, and she had one on her elbow the size of a quarter, but it's already gone. They feel rough. Not like sand paper, but more like skin thats healing from a sunburn. Does anyone know what this is? And if there's anything I can do for it?
Skin rash on my 6th month old...?
Try Aveno son had the same thing on his knees when he was that age. It doesn't make sense to me either that it would be ring worm. Try the Aveno for a few days and it should clear up. Also she told me to use dove soap when bathing him because the other stuff seemed to dry him out also. Try both of those and it should go away and if not, then i would take him back to the doc and see if she can refer you to a dermatologist.
Skin rash on my 6th month old...?
Sounds like eczema to me. I would take her to a dermatologist for a second opinion!
Reply:This is normal, both my sons have those little dry spots as well, mostly on her legs. They are just that dry skin. Just put lotion on them and although that won't make them go away it will make you feel better. Doctor told me there really isn't anything else that you can do for them.

Good luck!
Reply:It sounds like dry skin patches my daughter used to get them also I would leave them be or use a little lotion.
Reply:This sounds exactly like what my daughter had and her ped said it was eczema. I had been putting lotion on it and it wasn't getting any better. The ped said to use 1% Hydrocortizone cream. I used that for maybe 4 days, and the spot was gone.

Good luck!

My 19 month old still gets those dime sized patches of rough/dry skin and yes, they do keep switching places. Her pediatrician told me not to get worried and just to rub some intensive moisture cream into them. I like to use vaseline...really softens 'em up!

A friend of mine used hydrocortisone for her baby's rough skin....on the advice of her pediatrician.

try CORTAID 1% hydrocortisone anti itch cream.

it really help and relieves ITCHING and REDNESS FAST.

you can buy it from walgreens on the shelfs.

i hope it will be working with your newborn baby as my baby.
Reply:If it's hot where you live it could be heat rash. My daughter was born in the month of April and around June she started getting this stuff all over her face. Doctor told me it was heat rash so I quit taking her outside when it was in the 90's and over and it stopped. During the winter it didn't come back and by the next year when the hot summer months came around she was old enough that it didn't bother her anymore. We live in CA in the San Jauquin Valley -- Porterville, to be exact -- and it gets extremely hot in the summer. Try to keep your child inside the house during the summer and it will probably not reappear next year. Apparently it only bothers infants in their first year. Even if we had her in the car with AC she still got it since we had to take her from the house to the car and from the car into wherever we were going.
Reply:If these spots have a raised medium to dark circle and more of a pale colour to the center of the circle then it is ring worm.
Reply:yep its eczema. my son has the same. for the patches on his face i use a bit of hydrocortizone cream as his dribble irritates it. i used curash moisturising lotion on the rest of the patches on his legs and arms and they've actually disappeared at the moment. hope that helps. good luck.

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