Saturday, October 10, 2009

鈾lack Men: Do you really prefer light skin and long hair over dark skin and kinky hair?鈾?

All you see in Black movies, shows, and rap vidoes it a dark skinned man paired with a light skinned woman or a "exotic' mixed Black woman. It's annoying. Whats wrong with dark skinned girls???? You can barely name one dark skinned actress or singer or a girl with nautral hair. I'm tired of it. Why do you have to be light, bright, and almost white to be pretty? I have dark choclate skin, short hair that is twisted in 2 strand twists, I'm 5'3, and I have a coke bottle body. I ain't no Halle Berry or Paula Patton, but I am BLACK, BOLD, and BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I'm gonna be famous one day and im gonna rock my natural hair and my dark skin till they day I die! Dark skinned girls need love too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
鈾lack Men: Do you really prefer light skin and long hair over dark skin and kinky hair?鈾?
How about brown men? I prefer a woman with darker skin, like mine or darker. But tell the truth, color is way down the list. The eyes and the smile are #1.

Anyhow, as one famous black man likes to say (and it's true) All women are beautiful, some are even pretty.
鈾lack Men: Do you really prefer light skin and long hair over dark skin and kinky hair?鈾?
not all black men like light women, first off.

secondly, you should stop worrying about what other people are doing and do you.

Black is Beautiful~
Reply:I go on personality, my last girlfriend I met her online and she refused to show me her picture because she thought all men went on looks. So I sent her my picture and we met at the mall. We went out for 2 years. For me personally I don't go on looks.
Reply:You just need to know that you're beautiful. Who cares whether black men like you or not for your natural features? If they don't like it, then what? You are fine the way you are and it is a lot easier to brainwash men than women

You already know why; it is nothing new
Reply:HECK NO!! I love DARK AND LOVELY WOMEN with any type of hair. My women are BEAUTIFUL.
Reply:All races are beautiful.
Reply:lol im sooo hyper tooooo daaaaaay!!!!

well its cause i think in music videos it leaves options open for any colour women to realate to the music if the woman is lighter skinned so they are not generalising but then i could be wrong!
Reply:=) You're beautiful - don't worry about it. Any man who is with you for light skin for long hair is not worth your time anyway.
Reply:Why are you hating on us mixed chicks? We don't hate on you?

OMG...I never denied I was Black...It's not fair for people to always hate on us because of our looks. Assuming every mixed person is considered beautiful. Trust me the Dark skin chicks I know get mad love...Some guys won't even date us because they say we aren't Black enough...
Reply:Where honey?

I think a lot of "US" put to much into this complexion thing.

Dark Skin Singers and actresses:::

Patti Labelle

Gladys Knight

Angie Stone

Lauren Hill

Missy Elliot

Gabrielle Union

Angela Bassatt

Oprah Winfrey

Whoopi Goldberg

I can go on and on.. Self image means a lot and if you let someones preferences determine how you see this world, then as you mature you are going to lose out.
Reply:im natural tooo so i say go for it!!!!!!!!
Reply:light skinned people think they da ****. because they have light skin and their white features they think their better than some body. they shouldnt claim black, becuse who would be racist against a light skinned person with white feautures.

that would be funny if a ligh skinned person sayed "because i'm" black. why would a white man be racist against some one that looks exactly like them but with 1 tone darker skin.
Reply:look Dikogu... im light skinned, and I have white features and black features, but i dont look white. If anything light skinned people face double the racism from white ignorant people and black ignorant people.

And as for the asker i wanted to say ur absolutely right. I don't know why they only put light skinned girls up there. It needs to have more diversity and I really think that they should put actual black women the way they naturally look, because black is beautiful, but then again so is everything else!!!
Reply:In the same way we can ask why light skin man are given low insignificant role in movies.Except Ice-T the rapper that have good exposure.
Reply:I don't have any problems with boys but I agree with you. Are they ashamed of themselves I can't believe they exclude like that!
Reply:I can see that dark-skinned celebreties are getting lighter and lighter,look at gabrielle union or naomi campbell ,everytime you see them they get lighter.I wish people would pay attention to dark-skinned girl because im dark and pretty.A lot of black men would go for a fair skin girl!!!
Reply:i think it all depends on the person..not the race
Reply:Lighter skinned women are portrayed as more beautiful. Because of this cultural portrayal in America, you won't see as many dark skinned icons. You seem to be uncertain about yourself, I mean you ask the question to begin with and then you state that you are black, bold and beautiful is caps locks. If you feel that then why do you care to ask??

It seems that you are trying to make yourself believe that because of a lack of confidence. Everyone can be beautiful black, light, white, yellow and it's subjective so you cannot generalize. I will say this, don't always go by media and culture.
Reply:If you're this big bold black beautiful girl then you wouldn't have to ask men which do they prefer.

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