Saturday, October 10, 2009

Skin Cancer??

I have had this small pinkish patch of skin on the back of my neck for about a year. At first it was just a scab and i would pick at it. It doesnt scab anymore but there is styll a pinkish patch of skin there. It hasnt changed color or size at all. Could this be skin cancer??I have long hair and never wear it up so tat part of my neck is never exposed to sun, but idk I am really scared i dont think there is anything else it could be.
Skin Cancer??
It sounds like a patch of scar tissue now. If you picked at it and picked at it, it scabbed over. next time you at the Doc's for something have him/her take a quick look. Really sounds like a scab though.
Skin Cancer??
Hello! From the description that you are giving it sounds like it just might be skin cancer. I read an article that described what skin cancer looks like. I pasted the article below. I hope this helps and good luck to you.

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