Monday, March 15, 2010

Stuff on my skin?

WELL i don't really have *stuff* on my skin, it is more like a small piece/flap of skin that sticks out, Just like a toe sticks out of your foot!! but on like a 1/50th scale size, like 2/4 of a cm id say, I was going to attempt tearing it but i decided not to because it is pretty much one with my skin, it is just like a lump of skin sticking out and i know it would hurt REALLY BAD if I tore and it would bleed a LOT, also just a side note, i am a male and it is right next to my genitals. I am just asking here because i might save a trip to the doc to get something removed ya know?
Stuff on my skin?
sounds like a skin tag. If you twist them a little bit every day, it'll cut off the blood supply and fall off in about a week
Stuff on my skin?
depends if it bugs you or not.. i mean it doesnt seem like a life or death siduation.. so you could just leave it be or see a doc.. i donno good luk :)
Reply:dude thats fuking gross. get some scizzors and cut it off man
Reply:They are normal polyps that occur where folds of skin are present (the groin and armpit usually). You can make a loop around them with a length of thread and jerk the two ends to sever it, or just snip it will bleed.
Reply:The proper way to get rid of skin tags is to have yoyur doctor take them off with liquid nitrogen..painless and no bleeding. Don't do it yourself, they can typically bleed A LOT.
Reply:it's a skin tag so you should see a dermatologist to have it removed, don't worry it's actually pretty common and they treat in a day and it's gone!=)

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