i never did a drug i'm a 5'7 100lb woman i feel self conciousw hwen i wear my jeans.but my backside is of a black woman i have only black people girls and guys making stupid remarks.heavier women made acomment and said one of her breast weigh more than my twin sister who weighs 125 and she 5'7 1/2.what 's up with cleveland messing with us we have slender faces and high cheek bones and full lips what is ugly about our skin because we are darkskin.it's not like my skin is going to change in front of these people's faces.i feelo like if i don't get some advice i am going to catch a case.the heavy set high yellow women with the thin dark skin men is who mess with us most the 17,18,19, year old.i'm 32 going on 33 in 4 months .i don't wan't to be in jail on my birthday.i feel like this world cannot accept the way me and my twin sister look. especially cleveland ohio these people are really whacked out like crazzzy. how are tthe lighter skin people better than the dark skin women.
I'm a dark skin woman who resembles a kenyan i 5'7 weigh 100lbs.why do people call me a drug attic never did.
This is some racial bullshit the white man wanted black folks to believe. Back in the slavery days, This is an understatement, lighter blacks were normally working in the kitchen. It was made to believe that the lighter u r the closer u were to white folks. This stupid thing still exist to this day. It has tooken a backseat on the burner. Don't go to jail for some ignore *** high yellow chicks. Black is beautiful believe that. In fact we are all the colors int the rainbow, be proud of who u r black, white, red, blue, yellow whatever it is be proud. There are some people who hate because they are overweigh or not happy with theyre selves. Ignore the haters and live in peace.
I'm a dark skin woman who resembles a kenyan i 5'7 weigh 100lbs.why do people call me a drug attic never did.
I didn't read your entire question...Too long, but they probably call you a crack head because you are very slender and somewhat tall. That's all. It has nothing to do with your skin color, but because you think it does shows that you are still insecure about your dark skin. I think all black people are beautiful. We are the most beautiful people out there.
Reply:i'm white and have always been skinny its just the way i am and i get comments from people too so it isn't about black its just about ignorant people. consider the source, folks who feel the need to judge others are just not confident in who they are, in other words its their sh*t...never let other people make their crap yours and this is their crap.
Reply:I kinda wish I was that thin...I am 5'7, 115 pounds, and I think I'm a fatass. Beautiful women come in all different colors. To hell with the haters. I don't understand the part about going to jail, but don't stoop to these people's level if they are messing with you.
Reply:i would guess it's due to your spelling and grammar. try getting an education.
Reply:i dont think one is better than the other-its all about personality
Reply:I think a tall thin woman would look graceful and elegant no matter what she was wearing.
Forget about everyone else.....just enjoy your life.
Reply:I take it you both are pretty slim, yes? Lots of people just have issues with naturally slim people and accuse them of being addicted to everything, or suffering from everything under the sun. Forget about it - there'll always be haters. **** them before they **** you, i always say.
Reply:i remember when i used to weigh 100 pounds they used to make fun of me all the time calling me names like crackhead also,,then i decided to please them and gain some pounds which i did, and now they make fun of that too...get my drift? dont pay attention to what anyone says bout you, they are just jealous
Reply:They are just envious of you! be proud because you are different. Those who discriminate you are idiots what's important are not the looks but the character...even if they consider you ugly as you should say it..don't believe them because they have nothing more intelligent to say...remain to be kind and beautiful..God will always love you. Those fair skinned who criticize you are far worst than what they think about you...whats important is your not doing anything bad..never get intimidated because of your race and color...a person with a big heart is much more valuable...
Reply:What Lauren (above) said. Also possible that they are jealous of your looks. I've not seen you and don't know how you carry yourself, but as a black man I think you would be attractive by your description. So, just carry yourself like you are attractive. A 33 year old person shouldn't care what a teen ager thinks about them.
Reply:It's not about colour, it's about attitude. If that is what you think, that is how you are going to feel, and you will accept that misconception as truth.
Do yourself a favour, get a counselor and work through your issues and learn to love yourself for who you are. Go out and get an education, start at whatever level you have to, and go from there. This will increase your confidence in who you are.
You have a lot of life left to live. Actively pursue a new and different course in life, and hang around people who are caring and accepting.
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