Friday, October 23, 2009

Weird patch of dry skin on my hand?

I have this very weird, small patch of dry skin on my hand.

It's about 1/2"x1/2" and it doesn't hurt or itch or anything, it's just a dry, scaly, flaky patch of skin that's completely surrounded by healthy, normal skin.

I've tried using moisturizers on it, but it won't go away.

I even tried peeling the skin, but what happens is that for a while it appears like I don't have any of the fingerprint lines on the patch, then the scaly skin grows back.

I haven't tried any medicated creams. Can anyone recommend on, like hydrocortisone, etc.

Weird patch of dry skin on my hand?
Sounds kinda like eczema..I don't know how to treat it though, other than super heavy mosturizers
Weird patch of dry skin on my hand?
It sounds like eczema, which is very common. Some types go away within a few weeks, others it takes longer. It's a genetic problem and is not contagious or harmful. Doctor's often perscribe stronger versions of hydrocortisone to treat it. Try applying a hydrocortisone ointment. The creams dry the skin out even more, so be sure to use ointment.
Reply:I have something similar and I went to the dermatologist. I believe she used the term contact dermatitis and prescribed an ointment called "Fluocinonide". I have to use the ointment every day for 2-3 weeks to completely get rid of the patch. Then, out of nowhere, it comes back again in about a month and I have to start with the ointment again.

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